News & Events


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Seminar, May 21st
Dr. Thomas Kosasa will be speaking at a free seminar sponsored by the Pacific In Vitro Center on the in vitro fertilization process and other alternatives for couples with fertility problems. This relaxed, informal presentation is designed to give a good overview of the options, and is an opportunity to meet Dr. Kosasa and ask questions. More information and seminar sign-up.


Cover Story in Midweek Newspaper
By Susan K. Sunderland
Ever meet an “overachiever”? They take out the garbage without being asked and pay bills before the due date. For most of us, these little triumphs in life count.Then there’s Dr. Thomas S. Kosasa, who pioneered infertility treatment in Hawaii, flies Air Ambulance missions on the weekends, directed the architectural design of his home in Nuuanu, is a champion race car driver, consults with the federal Food and Drug Administration, and lectures on the latest advancements on reproductive endocrinology at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine. Read more…

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